

The Leiden Teachers Blog is an initiative of the Leiden Teachers Academy. The Leiden Teachers Academy was created in 2014 by Leiden University to stimulate educational innovation and to reward outstanding lecturers. The Teachers Academy organises an annual symposium on educational innovation, aimed at the improvement of academic teaching at a university-wide level.

The Teachers Academy consists of 24 Teaching Fellows, lecturers who have been chosen for their remarkable expertise, their drive to innovate, and their openness towards multidisciplinary collaboration. Teaching Fellows all receive a grant for projects in substantive and didactic innovations in education, which they carry out over the course of their 5-year Fellowship.

On the Leiden Teachers Blog, Fellows of the Leiden Teachers Academy share their experiences in academic teaching and show their efforts to innovate university education.

The current chairs of the Leiden Teachers Academy are Thijs Porck and Arianna Pranger; for the Leiden Teachers Blog they are editorially assisted by student assistant Tatum Meijer.